V E N G E A N C E cH! & S! Proudly Presents.. Star Wars Battlefront Update v1.2 *Cracked* (c) LucasArts Entertainment Release Date : 01-16-05 Protection : SecuROM v5 File Count : 12x15mb Game Genre : Action -- - - - -- [ R e l e a s e I n f o r m a t i o n .:::::::::: ] --- - - - -- This v1.2 update for the game has been modified to correct the following: NEW CONTENTS AND FEATURES - Added support for Mod Map names longer than 4 characters. - Mod Map names will be listed in the multiplayer server list. - Players will see a countdown timer for invincibility. - Players can deactivate spawn invincibility by firing a shot. - Updates were made to the dedicated server code to improve stability. BALANCING ISSUES - Ground vehicle hitpoints were lowered. - Droideka shield hitpoints were increased. - Jet Trooper jet pack recharge time was increased. - Jet Trooper EMP launcher reload time was increased. - Dark Trooper jet pack recharge time was decreased. - Dark Trooper Blast Cannon is more accurate. RESOLVED ISSUES - Corrected a lighting issue that occurred on Hoth. - Corrected an issue that occurred that caused the HUD reinforcement meter to be doubled after map cycling. -- - - - -- [ R e l e a s e / G r o u p N o t e s .:::::::::: ] --- - - - -- "Vengeance is not the point, change is. But the trouble is that in most people's minds the thought of victory and the thought of punishing the enemy coincide." -- - - - - -- [ I n s t a l l I n f o r m a t i o n .:::::::::: ] --- -- - - - -- Install Notes (Please follow these instructions IN ORDER) 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent. 2. Install Update v1.2 by double clicking battlefront1_2_eng.exe. 3. Copy over the cracked exe from the Crack directory to your installationdirgamedata folder. -- - - - -- [ C o n t a c t i n g V e n g e a n c e .:::::::: ] -- - - - -- We are always looking for talented people to help fill our ranks. If you: - Work at an Electronics Boutique, Babbage's, Virgin or any similar store - Work for a games magazine as a reviewer, and have early access to games - Are able to crack most commercial protection schemes such as StarForce, SecuROM and Safedisc V E N G E A N C E Ascii by the talented Dynamic Duo: cH! & S!
Crack No Cd Star Wars Battlefront 1 Pc